Saturday, February 28, 2009

Launch of Business Reality Blog

After taking a few months off to work on my book, I have decided to launch the Business Reality Blog. My mission is to entertain readers, while helping aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners reach their entrepreneurial goals. This posting is dedicated to updating everyone on what has happened over the past few months.

I have made tremendous progress with my book. The working title is “PROFITPRENEUR, How Your Business Can Thrive in Any Economy” © 2009. It is an instructional book that teaches businesses how to thrive despite less-than perfect products/services, economic conditions, culture, and leadership. The book is currently around 30,000 words (approximately 80% complete). I am currently in the process of obtaining a publisher (without an agent). If I am unsuccessful in finding a publisher (or a good literary agent) within the next three months I will self-publish the book. I will continue to update you on our progress.

The re-launch of the radio program has been challenging. Although I have secured a non-exclusive agency relationship (Unicorn Consulting, New York), we have not been successful in obtaining a mutually beneficial syndication arrangement. We recently had some interesting discussions with City FM 89 in Pakistan. Again, I will keep you posted on our progress.

Dynamic Advisory Solutions is still going strong. We have a great team with a very beneficial service (especially during these challenging times). We have committed to launching a low-cost crisis management division. This division is focusing on revenue enhancement, cost reduction, and cash-flow improvement for an extremely affordable monthly fee (for any size business). Our goal is to help as many businesses as possible to survive financial crisis (even if they cannot afford our normal fees). We are also offering a money-back guaranty to take the risk out of using our new crisis management service. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in learning more about the program.

I hope you have enjoyed the update. Going forward, the blog will be very similar to my radio program “Business Reality Network”. Feel free to email me your questions or comments: . I look forward to hearing from you.

Keep fighting the fight!

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